• Weaving the greater web of community through special song circle events anywhere outside of Portland or through a series of song circle events on tour through a region, sometimes as a guest songleader for established song circles. For these events I administer primarily the medicine and soul teachings that have come through me, original community songs.

  • Joining pop-up villages, hubs for cultural re-creation, where people come primarily to sing together. I primarily lead original community medicine songs. Song gatherings I have been part of…

    Song Village

    Cascadia Song Rise

    Singing in Love

    Love Song

  • Weaving song into contexts where this technology can provide meaning, deepened connection, facilitate conversations, ground folks in heart and humanity, break down “professional,” intellectual, and capitalistic ways of relating. I bring song to groups, organizations, businesses, personal or family occasions to support the group purpose. I have lead community singing in corporate settings, for grassroots organizations, and communities of many kinds. I lead whatever songs (often from different creators) best serves, sometimes including my own.